“To Know and Be Known“
Love one another as I have loved you.
John 13:12
Would you like to get away for a few days to explore the depth and beauty of marriage?
Are you looking for practical keys to understanding and overcoming the challenges you face in life together?
Are you longing to experience deeper connection and intimacy?
We invite you to join us as we invest three days in further discovering God’s heart for marriage. We believe marriage is one of God’s greatest gifts to mankind! We are passionate about helping marriages thrive the way God intended.
The purpose of this time is to empower you to experience healing, teaching, and training, as well as fun, laughter, and romance! Our goal is to equip you with practical keys and tips that will help bring breakthrough, purpose, and passion to your marriage.

Stay tuned for potential 2024 dates
10:00 AM Wednesday to 5:00 PM on Friday
To be determined
Cost: $795 per couple
Registration is required.
Seating is limited.